Thursday, January 9, 2014

Knitsey Knitsum's Top 40 Knitdown

Have you spent time looking at the most popular patterns on Ravelry? How many of them have you knit? Why did you knit them? Why didn’t you knit them? Did you customize it?  I always found myself looking at these patterns, but never knitting them, I may be one of the few people on Ravelry who hasn’t knit a Monkey sock.  When I had String Thing Shop, I came up with the idea to start a group to talk about what makes these patterns so popular and to finally get around to knitting them to see what the fuss is all about. We had discussions and KALs. This series is a revival of sorts of the Ravelry group.  It looks to answer some of these questions while having fun knitting these popular patterns. When we started the KALs at the shop we started with the most popular, unlike Casey Kasem who started at 40 and counted down to 1.  I thought for the blog we'd start with 40. 
And I'll make updates to the list monthly, I think.
But for now let's get started with #40 Daybreak by Stephen West.  Incidentally, Stephen is the only designer to have 3 patterns in the top 40.  Several have 2, but no one else has 3.  Daybreak was published in August of 2009 and since then 5057 have been made.  It is a semicircular shawl in 3 sizes and it uses 2 colors, even more interest is added by using a striping or gradient yarn.  For my Daybreak I am going to use an unidentifiable ball of  Crazy Zauberball crazy and natural Heritage.
I am leaning towards knitting the medium size. 

I am going to revive the Knitsey Knitsum group on Ravelry so join us there to share pictures and discuss the patterns. 

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